Becoming Friends with the Dark

Even though Halloween is over it is actually still Samhain through sundown on November 1st. Samhain is a Celtic spiritual tradition welcoming in harvest and the dark half of the year. It’s also believed in this period of time the barriers between the physical world and spiritual world open allowing us to tap into the underworld. It got us thinking about the ending of cycles, darkness, and (not to be dramatic) death - something most of us are uncomfortable, if not fearful of, thinking about. While that can seem negative, the words of my mentor, Victoria Libetore, ring in my ears "Death is the most natural thing in life.” Think about how natural it is to see the leaves on the trees turn beautiful colors and then fall to the ground. We are, in a sense, finding joy in a small cycle of change - a small death.

Loss, discomfort, fear, and massive change can all feel like small deaths of a known element in life without actual physical death occurring. The feelings that come along with those realities can be hard to sit with and process. Imagine it’s like being in the underworld. It can feel like you're lost beyond belief and afraid to function.  

So what does this have to do with a mindful movement practice? Sonya Renee Taylor highlighted this idea during an interview saying “everybody’s got some sort of wisdom that wants to be activated when all the rest of them is not activated, which is why embodiment practice is so essential.” These exact moments of fear are the moments where we want to deactivate - hide, freeze, or try to disappear. As gut wrenching as it may be, If we can instead choose to make friends with the underworld we can immediately activate that wisdom inside of us to guide us through. We see the work we are doing with our clients as profound, not only because it helps to decrease pain from injuries, but because it’s helping them (and us!) learn about themselves from what their body and their wisdom is communicating. 

Missed our October workshop or looking for more regular and accessible opportunities to MELT with Molly? You're in luck!

MELT online class: Starting Monday, November 7th you'll have a weekly opportunity to join Molly in our online studio to explore the benefits of the MELT method. Each week Molly will create a class benefitting the group by tuning into their nervous system for deeper awareness of holding and movement patterns.

NOTE: While participating with the MELT props will provide you with the most benefit, they are not necessary for our online class. Email us for guidance on how to purchase a prop!

Mondays @ 7pm ET in our zoom studio
Your investment to get a spot: $20

MELT in-person workshop:

This 90 minute workshop aims to help you learn about the science behind the method, and how to integrate some of the technique into your personal care routine. MELT props will be provided for the class and available for a discounted purchase after. This workshop will be held in-person at our Manhattan location inside F Squared Physical Therapy @ 19 W. 21st St. #901.

Friday, January 20th @ 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Your investment to attend: $25.

Call to Action in the Name of Change

As mindful movement practitioners, we are in the business of supporting and guiding our clients through change. That change does not happen in a vacuum, but instead has ripple effects. In that way, we are in the business of change in the individual, the community, and the world.

"Women, Life, Freedom." As we continue to witness the protests, lead by women, in Iran after the murder of Mahsa Zhina Amini by Iranian morality police, we are inspired to join The Floor on Atlantic's amplification of Iranian women and how to advocate and support them in their present moment and in the quest for long lasting change. Stay informed on how to amplify and advocate by following Middle East Matters.

Information sharing and staying connected is so crucial at this time. Learn what grassroots work is happening and how to support it by exploring these organizations:

Source: Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security