“You’re only as old as your spine.”
Beginners Workout
Couch to Cadillac - Soul Cycle, Crossfit, or the gym in general can be an intimidating place full of unknowns to the novice. In the comfort of a calm studio space you can learn how to listen to your body and build confidence in how to use it. We provide a progression meant to teach you foundational exercises you can use and build upon. Together we build a strategy to help you execute your own workouts or complete your favorite group fitness class and achieve your fitness goals.
Perinatal Pilates
In this program we evaluate prior activity before becoming pregnant and/or during pregnancy to maintain strength throughout the process and heal after birth. The program will evolve based on the variances of sickness and discomfort in the first trimester, growth of the baby and changes in body composition in the second trimester, and shifts in ligament laxity and pelvic floor training in the third trimester. After pregnancy this program helps correct Diastasis Rectus (separation of abdominal tissue), incontinence, pelvic pain, and reorganizes postural muscles are addressed based on natural versus cesarean birth.
Athletes in Training
Want a better swing on the golf course or tennis court? Do you have a goal to improve your marathon or Triathlon time? This is a program aimed at not only keeping you a relevant player, but upping your "game". If there is an activity that gives you joy and release from the daily grind, plateauing or losing your ability to do that activity can be frustrating. This program is a CrossTraining strategy specifically catered to your sport and goals to keep you off the bench.
Balance and Bone Health
According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis.The Balance and Bone Health program has a dual approach aimed at promoting bone growth and increasing spatial awareness to improve balance. We make it less likely a fall will occur with more intelligent movement, and if you do have a clumsy moment, we make it less likely to result in a major fracture.
Post PT Pilates
Often there is a lag time between being dismissed from physical therapy and feeling able and confident to go back to the activities you did before your injury or surgery. This program includes collaboration with your physical therapist to launch you past the work of rehabilitation and into a new, more efficient and intelligent way of doing the things you love.
Breast Cancer Post Rehabilitation
Guided by the Pink Ribbon Program's Post Rehabilitative Exercise Specialist Program clients have access to a protocol that takes into consideration the specific, and highly varied, treatment path they have experienced. Collaboration with your physical therapist and oncologist critically informs our strategy for continued recovery. Our focus is geared toward regaining feeling in places of numbness or tingling due to nerve damage, increasing range of motion through scar tissue, and improving strength and movement patterns specific to lumpectomy, mastectomy, and the varying approaches to reconstruction.
Movement Dysfunction/Disorder
Specifically designed for those diagnosed with movement debilitating diseases or conditions such as Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, and stroke. Every body's experience of these conditions is different, however, many of these conditions have secondary symptoms related to inactivity. Research supported by the National MS Society has shown exercise can improve cognition, slow or pause the progression movement dysfunction, and in some cases help regain lost mobility. Our initial evaluation is extensive and built to collaborate closely with other healthcare providers in order to seamlessly monitor your progress.
book an introductory call
What other form of exercise do you know of that can get you in shape and prevent or help you recover from an injury? Book an Introductory Call today if you are ready to see what the power of a mindful movement practice can do for your life.