Upon reflecting on 2018 we can’t help but feel appreciation for getting to play a role in the process of preparation and recovery for many milestones. We collaborated to help clients feel strong in the face of uncertainty, overcome fear about movement after injury, and accomplish so much! We are so proud and honored to have been a part of:
■ 2 babies being born
■ An ACL reconstruction rehab
■ A partial knee reconstruction pre and post rehab
■ A breast cancer post-opp rehab
■ A Lymphoma cancer diagnosis
■ 2 broken wrists post-opp rehab
■ Delaying 2 rotator cuff repair surgeries
■ Maintaining 5 cases of herniated discs
Pilates is so much more than a fitness fad. It is a movement practice that integrates our minds into our bodies. It teaches us how we move throughout our lives to allow for a deeper understanding and awareness. I applaud and congratulate everyone on all they accomplished this year, and invite you to do the same for yourself (I say that to ‘you’ as I am also saying it to myself)!
Thank you so much for choosing to work with us this year to achieve your fitness and wellness goals.
A referral or testimonial is the greatest gift you can give!