Sowing Seeds of Potential

I’ve been watching the transition of spring closely this year. Seeds falling from trees like little helicopters spiraling down – little pockets of potential growth grounding themselves.

It occurred to me that, while every single seed has the potential to be a huge tree, the ground they are falling into doesn’t have room for every single one of them to become a tree and the environment they are in will also prevent many of them from growing beyond a seed. Some will become food for other animals, some will start to grow but will get removed and discarded, some will just disintegrate into the earth as fuel for the established trees around them.

It reminded me that there is not just one way to actualize our growth potential.

The movement of growth is not always straightforward or linear. It is not always a cycle of: seed falls, grows into a tree, drops seeds, repeat. And yet, each seed has its own role to play in the ecosystem as a whole.

We often use this idea of planting seeds when working with clients to identify movement patterns and/or body stories that no longer serve them. The “seeds of potential growth” are things we work together to introduce into their body – a new way of moving and relating to themselves.

Client Spotlight

We are right in the middle of Moving Through the Chakras, our first 9-week group program that explores how to heighten our awareness and intuition by combining the Chakra system with the alignment principles of Pilates while moving the body. We want to take a moment to celebrate all the participants who are showing up every week, moving their bodies in a more mindful way.

In our most recent session, we worked with the solar plexus chakra (Manipura Chakra), exploring the innate power, self-esteem, self-worth and deservedness that flows through that energy center. What do we need to literally and figuratively digest in order to fuel our power potential? What are the steps we need to take to not only recognize that we have worth and are deserving of what we want, but also to fully claim what we want?

In the coming weeks, we’ll keep building on these principles and seeing the ripple effects that come from this work.

Call to Action in the Name of Change

Growing up, I knew an altar to be something I could be in a room with but couldn’t interact with – so special and holy that only a few (men) were allowed to approach it and interact with in the name of healing. Through travel and studying other practices and traditions within and outside my ancestry, I’ve had the chance to re-examine and evolve my belief systems over time (it’s still ongoing) and learned that an altar doesn’t have to be reserved for a few. It can be in my home, full of symbolism, ritual, honor, and serving as a reminder that I am a healer.

As we pass over a month since the shooting in Atlanta, it’s on my mind how the cultures, healing practices, beliefs, traditions, and rituals siphoned into our industry from China, Japan, India, Thailand, and Tibet (to name a few) have been separated from the people that belong to those lands and cultures.

I have to be part of making my industry fair, equitable, and truly honest… healing while not harming. A portion of the proceeds from our current Moving Through the Chakras group program will be donated to Stop AAPI Hate. Please join us in doing the same.

If there’s an organization you think we should know about or would be open to partnering with us, please let us know and send us an intro!

Referral Program

A referral is the kindest compliment you could give us. If you think we would be a good fit for anyone you know, please consider spreading the word about the work we do together. For any new clients that may come our way as a result of your kind words, we would love to gift you an additional session to any current package you have with us. They can always schedule a call using the link below.

And, if you are part of or know a social justice organization looking for wellness support and collaboration for their clients or employees, please consider connecting us.